Thursday, April 28, 2011

Congrats To All

I wanted to say congrats to everyone who presented yesterday (Miranda, Julie, Diana, and Natalie). You all looked like you did a lot of research but managed to relate it back to your own opinions, something I didn't do correctly. Wanted to tell you all I'm a tad bit jealous you all managed to do that.

Miranda's was interesting in that is had me thinking what and how I knew about everything. thinking more about it, I do think there's a difference between cultural and natural influences since I've traveled a lot and have been effected by the different areas I've lived in. Though, no matter where I've gone, I still loathe carrots.

Julie's discussion that followed was interesting. I did think she did a wonderful job remaining calm under everything that was going on, but I also liked the discussion too. I enjoyed listening to everyone bounce ideas back and forth.

Diana's paper was interesting as well. I hadn't thought about animals in the way she presented them, as a representation of our own human personalities. It brings me to question that if animals are beautiful and we project ourselves onto them, does that mean we believe ourselves to be beautiful as well?

As for Natalie, well, I found it all very poetic and pretty. I almost wanted classical music in the background, it felt so elegant.

Thanks to you all for giving me food for thought.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oh no! I Forgot!

Miranda's Presentation related a lot to me as a person, which was cool!

Diana did a shit ton of research and it showed, I was a bit confused about all the poets, But I would think poets as Philosophers if Artist are Geniuses! Ha

And Natalie's was sweet simple and well organized!

Nice JOb Ladies! Whooo All the Single Ladies! haha!

Paper Jitters!

So, After tonight I went back and read our requirements of our papers! I felt I needed to after julie's presentation which was a bit confrontational to say the least! Honestly, I enjoyed it! It was a bit confusing but the fact that she stayed composed when the class went ape shit was Impressive. A good sense of Grace under Pressure is needed for Philosophy! Thumbs Up Julie!
I am having trouble finding the resources to back up my paper, What philosopher and book do you recommend for the foundation of Math and Science, I know Descartes but reading meditations again is overwhelming! Ha HELP!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Paper Presentations

I had fun tonight in class. I loved the hands on activities tonight. I didn't think of doing anything like that for my presentation, but now I gotta start thinking of something like that to do. Making the dolls was fun. It was creative, and it made me understand Emily's presentation even more. Jenny's presentation was also interesting. The way she blindfolded Miranda, and told her to describe the objects that were given to her. It's different though, being blindfolded and being blind. Like Miranda did tonight, she could still describe the items perfectly, because she has seen them before. But imagine a blind person who has never experienced being able to see what non blind people see. It's a totally different thing. And Kayla, Aaah. What a difficult topic to choose. Especially because there are so many questions that come along with What is God like. And to only be able to write it in 8 pages is impossible. So Good luck to her. Anyways. Now I have an idea of how I'm going to do my presentation. I hope.