Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Well Hello There!

Hello everyone! My name is Natalie Krause, pleased to meet you all! I am currently a foundation student with the intent of majoring in animation next year. I have always harbored a potent love for animation and all its possibilities, as well as film as a whole. If I could choose any profession, void of obstacles, I would choose to be like Hayao Miyazaki: I would write, direct, and animate my own films. Sadly, the film industry doesn't exactly have an open door, so this dream may likely be proven unrealistic, but I can't seem to give it up. Anywho, I am VERY excited for this class! Philosophy, and all that it entails, fascinates me. I fell in love with Sun Tzu's "The Art of War," and have read it a few times. I have just barely begun Machiavelli's "The Prince," and next in line are Ayn Rand's "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution" and "For the New Intellectual" (I love Ayn Rand as a writer and a thinker, though I don't exactly agree with her one hundred percent of the time). I am not well-versed in philosophy, and my repertoire of readings is sadly rather thin, but this is something I hope to rectify in this class. And furthering my excitement is knowing there will be numerous opportunities to discuss this soon-to-be deluge of ideas and ideals, exploring their nature and aspects, with all of you. Can't wait to get started!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see another Ayn Rand fan -- I don't always agree with her either, but I like to read her as escapist literature :) I prefer her novels to her "non-fiction" (she would say it's all non-fiction) though; why did you choose New Left and New Intellectual as your next in line?
