Scintillating discussions of art and philosophy, by Rebecca Blocksome's Western Thought I class at the Kansas City Art Institute.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Meditations not void of Joy
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
For a Deeper Explanation of my Interpretation of #12
Proto-philosophy of life exercise
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
As soon as I read that, I was like whoa. It hit me so fast, I tend to do this. And I found myself thinking Why? Trying to answer it in my head. And I still can't think of why. There were others that also caught my attention. And I wrote some of them down. It was fun reading each one.
To Choose What is Gleaned
“To harvest life like standing stalks of grain//Grown and cut down in turn.”
The key part of this aphorism comes at the end; “In turn.” Nothing is born overnight; it must be cultivated and watered, until it is ripe for the picking. But there is more that can be gleaned from such a harvest than just the good stalk: when Marcus Aurelius speaks of life, he means life and all that it entails, which is not always something favorable. As in any garden or plot where things grow, it is inescapable that there will be the unwanted: weeds. And although literal weeds are accepted negatively, when speaking in terms of “weeds” in our lives, they can be rather good. The weeds will grow no matter who we are or what our circumstances are, that’s part of the nature of being human. But part of the beauty of humanness is learning to see the weeds and then laboring to remove them. A well tended field may, initially, be just as overrun with pests and weeds as an ill-tended one. However, if the gardener sees that his field is in decay, and so chooses to go out every day to remove the weeds as they come in, he is a good gardener. But if he sees the weeds and thinks, “What’s the use? If I remove these today, there will only be more tomorrow” then he has just forfeited his own life. Soon the weeds will overrun his crop, and he will in the end have nothing to harvest except the weeds and rotten crop. Although it may be futile to completely remove every bad thing from yourself forever, and so achieve perfection, which we cannot, I think it speaks beautifully to another nature of humanity, one that seeks to constantly better itself regardless of our chronic humanity. It was for this reason that I chose this aphorism, because I believe it vocalizes what our own “harvests” can be like, growing and harvesting things in turn, gleaning both the good and the bad, and then taking the seeds of the good to sow the fields anew.
Rhetoric and Poetics in Some of My Art
After doing the exercise in class the other day my attention was drawn to the fact that Aristotle's ideas of Rhetoric and Poetics are used as almost a standard in todays narratives and advertisements. I started to look at many example and was able to apply Aristotle's concepts to most things that I came in contact with. I looked at a piece of my own art/advertisement and was able to see many of the aspects. So first I use ethos, at first glance you are able to see that I am indeed on the poster with my Pakistani/Indian boyfriend. I Have a reputation around the school as being passionate in what I do. My boyfriend has a limited reputation because he does not go to school at KCAI but when you look at his picture along with mine you would hope he and I together would be able to create the food of his people in some capacity. I utilize pathos when I use the first and largest sentence on the poster to question the audience about weather or not they are ready to facilitate social justice. In my mind when asked a question like that thoughts and feeling get conjured up about all the helpless feeling you get sitting in some KCAI classes hearing about issues you cannot change. Or images come to mind about all of the social injustices in the world. I use logos by pairing that idea with the idea that you will also receive FREE INDIAN FOOD, One logically can't turn down free indian food if what the alternative is the cafeteria or buying the food yourself!!!
I feel a little uncreative by not coming up with any new tactics for advertisement after all these years that society has used it, But these tactics do seem to work because of our familiarity with them to some degree. In contrast with the last statement it makes me feel happy that human psychology has not changed a lot sense Aristotle, if these uses of Rhetoric and Poetics still work today.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Short Meditations
I believe my favorite had to be "straight, not straightened." When I had first opened the document and looked through briefly, that was the one that stood out to me the most. And it was the one that won being my favorite of the entire 75 something. I don't know if I understood the message correctly, but I interpreted the mediation more on the idea of beat, not defeated.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Reading Rhetoric

Also, I wanted to share an interesting video I discovered the other day. It reminded me about our discussion from last class about the cutting of arts programs and some of the issues dealt with education. It's also just interesting to watch the drawings throughout the piece.
"The man...must, it is clear, be able (1) to reason logically...and (3) to understand the emotions-that is, to name them and describe them, to know their causes and the way in which they are excited."
In the same train of thought those ideas don't make sense to me, espeically in the vein which Aristotle was using them - it seemed like he was in favor of using the logical fallacy of appealing to emotion:
Sure, something might be "persuasive" - but emotional appeals aren't "logical".