From reading about rhetoric and poetics from Aristotle, I noticed some of these ideas and subjects seemed familiar. Oh yea, that's right, I forgot I an
Art of Persuasion class last year, and to be honest, I didn't think I understood it a whole lot at the time. Having read some of this material again, I noticed that some of these ideas stuck in my head...they just needed to simmer a bit. (a year) Also, for the most part I relate rhetoric to graphic design. I think of some of the ways we have to use aspects of it like pathos, logos, and ethos to persuade our audience and that pathos dealt with emotions, logos dealt with information, and ethos dealt with a credible source.

Also, I wanted to share an interesting video I discovered the other day. It reminded me about our discussion from last class about the cutting of arts programs and some of the issues dealt with education. It's also just interesting to watch the drawings throughout the piece.
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