Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm having fun re-reading 'A Midsummer Nights Dream', it's been a few years since I read it last. For me, it helps that I'm familiar with the movie, because it stays true to the script, and sticks in my memory better.
I'm having a lot less luck with my paper. I have such conflicting ideas that I can't decide how to pick a topic, and then decide what my philosophy about it is. I've narrowed it down to either "What can we know?" or, "How should we live?". These are such huge questions that we're supposed to have a definite opinion on, and I don't think my head's that organized.

1 comment:

  1. Kirsten, I agree that they are huge topics, and they are impossible to cover thoroughly in the space of 2,000 words, even if you did have a clear answer. The fact that you don't have a clear answer is a great indicator that you are being intellectually honest and seriously engaging with the ideas -- part of what I hope you get out of this class is the idea that there are no easy answers! But we have to start somewhere, by putting our ideas out there to create a dialogue where we can learn from each other and refine our views. This is a project that ideally should go on your whole life -- when you stop growing (learning, changing) you die. So please don't get hung up on making a definitive statement -- choose the topic you're most interested in, and try to find an area of it that you do have a definite opinion on (this might be easier to identify if you try to think of the answers we've talked about in class, and which ones bothered you the most).
